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Vegetarian Pasta Salad--University Edition

As busy University students, we often lack the time to make ourselves nutritious food. In fact, for some of us, we barely have the time to eat at all!

Since University started for me last year, my diet has been going MAYHEM. I started eating out a lot, eating lots of preserved and processed foods, and having countless meals at McDonalds and Burger King. Starting this semester, I have began to change my diet by cooking more at home, making healthier food choices, and passionately sharing more of my creations online with all of you! 

This week I am sharing with you my latest quick and easy (but healthy) lunch recipe: The Vegetarian Pasta Salad--University Edition. I know many of you are probably I turning into a vegetarian? Although I am cutting down on my consumption of meat, I am not planning to turn into a vegetarian :) Living in a meat eating family and having a love for steaks, burgers, and chicken souvlaki, any attempt to become a full vegetarian myself would be devastating. :( That being said, I am moving towards a healthier and cleaner diet whenever possible....Now back to the recipe.

One of the many benefits of this dish besides from its nutrition value is that it is very easy to make and prep in large portions. For many of us who work 9 to 5 or have busy schedules, this recipe makes it easy for you to make a whole week's worth of lunch in just 20 minutes. Another benefit of this dish is that you do not have to find ways to reheat it...because its served cold! This eliminates the need to use a microwave at work or at school! Try the Vegetarian Pasta Salad--University Edition today!

1 box of pasta
2 avocados, sliced into pieces*
2 large tomatoes, dice
4 handfuls of spinach
1 onion, diced
2 large boiled eggs
2 cloves of minced garlic
1 zucchini
2 Tablespoons of minced fresh or dried dill
Bottle of Red Wine and Olive Oil Vinaigrette or a dressing of your choice
Olive Oil
Shredded Parmesan Cheese

1. In a pot, bring water to boil eggs and pasta. Cook pasta according to package and boil eggs for 10 minutes. Set pasta and eggs aside and let them cool
2. Set pan to medium heat and add oil. Add garlic, onion, zucchini, and tomatoes. Cook until all ingredients are translucent
3. Add spinach and some water. Close lid and let it stand for 1 minute. Open lid and add pasta
4. Add dill, salt and pepper and mix well. Turn off heat.
5. Add diced avocados into salad and mix well.
6. Split pasta into 4-5 servings and drizzle dressing on top. Cut eggs into slices and set on top of the pasta. Add more dressing on top of eggs if necessary. Sprinkle parmesan cheese on top.


*You may want to cut avocados just before each meal in order to keep them from oxidation.


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