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The Western Breakfast

This is an extended dish building on from Quick and Easy Breakfast

As busy University students, we often miss out time for breakfast, the most important meal of the day. With late nights, early classes, and long travelling times to and from campus, we usually have under an hour to wake up, get ready, and grab a bite to eat as we rush out the door to start our day. This means that many of us either spend money at McDonald's for breakfast every morning or skip breakfast altogether. Neither options are healthy for our hardworking student bodies.

This week, I am featuring a quick and easy breakfast inspired by traditional English Full Breakfast. Even though this dish does require at least a fork to eat, it can be easily transported en route to campus and eaten on the bus as needed. Or, if you have a little bit more time since you decided to wake up early for once, set it out on a plate and indulge every bite of this amazing breakfast as if you are at a high end restaurant. Either way, this breakfast can be put together in less than 20 minutes.

Just a little note. The Western Breakfast can last you well after lunch time!

2 Eggs
1/2 Avocado, sliced
2 Sausages, sliced
1/2 can of Heinz Beans in Tomato Sauce
1 Yukon Gold Potato, diced
Salt and Pepper, to taste
1 Teaspoon of Milk
1-2 Teaspoon of Olive Oil

Step 1: Bring a small pot to boil and diced potatoes for 5 minutes. This helps cook the potatoes through a little faster

Step 2: In a pan, heat oil to medium heat and saute sausages until a slight brown can be seen on the surface. Remove sausages and set aside on a plate. Do not drain oil.

Step 3: Remove potatoes from the pot and transfer them to the pan. Allow the potatoes to have a golden brown surface before removing from heat. Sprinkle a dash of salt and pepper and mix it well onto the potatoes as it cooks. In a bowl, beat eggs and add salt and pepper. Add milk into the mixture and mix well.

Step 4: Drain water from pot and add canned beans. Simmer according to directions on the package.

Step 5: Once potatoes are golden brown, remove them from the pan and set aside on plate. Put eggs onto pan and cook until fully cooked. Use a spatula to keep pushing the mixture towards the centre of the pan as it coagulates. Set egg aside on plate once finished.

Step 6: Place avocados on the centre of your plate and enjoy!

Good luck and have a wonderful morning!


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